
Nigerdock commends Sifax’s ferry services


Tayo Oladipupo


SIFAX Group said it had begun installation of modern Information Technology (IT) infrastructure at its ferry terminals to make life comfortable for users.

The Conglomerate also assured customers of continuous improvement on its services as contained in the statement made available to our correspondent by the General Manager, Corporate Affairs of the Group, Muyiwa Akande.

The General Manager of the IT, SIFAX, Kayode Ogunwole said this when the management of Nigerdock Nigeria Limited paid a facility inspection visit in Lagos

Ogunwole stated that the company had begun the installation of modern IT infrastructure such as wireless networks, LED display boards and many more facilities that will make the terminal more comfortable for its clients.

Nigerdock Nigeria Limited is one of the corporate clients to the company. SIFAX ferries provide daily service for its staff to and fro Apapa on a daily basis.

Nigerdock however commended SIFAX Group for the quality service and excellent facilities it has put in place for the recently-launched ferry service.

The ferry service is currently available on Ebute-Ojo-Apapa and Mile 2 – Apapa routes.

The delegation was led by Juan Gonzalez, Facility Manager, who expressed absolute satisfaction with the facilities at the terminal and the excellent condition of the ferries.

Gonzalez said: “We came here to do an inspection of the SIFAX Ebute Ojo jetty facility and also the ferries. The boats were previously inspected by our team made up of safety, operations and HR officers.

“During our inspection today, we have found compliance with all the regulations, capacities and status of the SIFAX ferry which is in a wonderful operational state.

We certify the boats very safe enough for all our personnel and operations.

“The ferry conveys our staff from the office to different jetties. The idea of this inspection is to continue making use of the service and making sure it is safe for our staff.

“The SIFAX ferry service is of great benefit to the manpower working at Nigerdock because it makes it easier to convey the staff from their homes to the office and vice versa in comfort and style.”

Corroborating the assertions of the team lead, Isaiah Emehweke, Senior Supervisor, Marine Services, explained that the inspection team was very satisfied with what they saw at the terminal.

“With the SIFAX ferry service operations, stress will be taken off the highway. I didn’t expect to see anything less than the standard I have seen here today because the consultant heading the SIFAX ferry terminal, Captain Ibrahim Olugbade, is a mariner of repute with proven track records both in Nigeria and overseas. None of the safety equipment is outdated, they all function very well,” he said.

Meanwhile, Felix Omojoye, Assistant Manager, SIFAX Ebute-Ojo jetty thanked the team for their kind words and assured that the terminal would not rest on its oars but will continue to do more to improve on the services it offered.

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