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Customs Confirms Killing Of Man Alon Ijebu Ode Highway


Tayo Oladipupo

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) on Sunday confirmed the killing of a young man simply identified as Godwin along the Ijebu Ode interchange in Ogun State by the officers and men of the Federal Operations Unit (FOU) of the Service.

There was commotion on Sunday morning along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, after an official of the Nigeria Customs service, allegedly shot a traveller in a viral video.

The viral video depicted earlier in the day of a lady weeping over the death of a passenger who was allegedly shot by customs officer.

Video footage revealed blood spillage along the highway while some of the passengers were seen assaulting one of the officers who had blood stains on his uniform.

But according to a statement by the National Public Relations Officer of the service, Deputy Comptroller Joseph Attah stated that “The attention of Nigeria Customs Service has been drawn to a disturbing video going viral with conflicting narratives.

Attah disclosed that the Service was already in touch with the bereaved family.

He noted that “While it is painful and totally unnecessary to loose life in anti-smuggling operations, today at Shagamu interchange along Ijebu Ode, attempt to obstruct lawful performance of duty by passengers of a commercial bus (a white Toyota Hiace) suspected to be carrying bales of used clothing led to the death of a young man (Godwin) and serious injury of a Customs Officer, ASC1, Destiny Onebamho.

“Contrary to some narratives, the young man was not a passenger of the bus but a good citizen who always come to fetch water for Customs Patrol men anytime they return to the base.

“Preliminary finding indicate that it was during the skirmishes and struggle to disarm the Officer that the riffle discharged and hit the friend of the Customs (Godwin) who lost his life. The Service is already in touch with the bereaved family.

“Sadly, it should be noted that while attention shifted to the dead and the wounded, the passengers who filmed with inciting commentaries boarded their vehicle and left, leaving the wrong impression that it was one of them that was killed.

“While the wounded Officer is under intensive care at the hospital, the patrol team has been recalled to the office for further investigation”, the statement concluded.


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